What is the PoPI RAM Module?

The PoPI RAM assessment tool – all business enterprises need to assess their relative level of compliance readiness with the Protection of Personal Information Act.  All their departments responsible for the administration of personal information of clients, suppliers, service providers, staff and other operations such as security access, reception and security gate records will need to be assessed for compliance.

Our PoPI Readiness Assessment Module (the “PoPI RAM”) will meet all these requirements.

PoPI RAM enables each department responsible for administering the personal information of individuals and businesses, to effectively, quickly and comprehensively assess and rate your level of compliance.The Popi Ram Module fig 1

Our PoPI RAM covers every single section of the Act, posing well more than 100 questions to be considered against the polices, procedures, controls and current practices applicable to each of your areas of operation.  It also enables each department to formulate a series of actions / controls to be developed and implemented in order for the enterprise or business division to obtain full or reasonable compliance.

PoPI RAM is an online assessment tool

Our PoPI RAM is an online assessment tool which is completed in two stages:

  • Stage One takes the form of a survey comprised of well more than 100 questions based upon the provisions of the Act, and are logically grouped by underlying principles of the Act.  It should preferably be completed by each department head of an enterprise or business division. The focus is on the “why, how, when and trashing” of collecting the personal information of data subjects by the enterprise. The comments and assessments of the heads of departments will provide executive management with a clear understanding of where the existing compliance gaps in corporate policies and procedures are.
  • Stage Two takes the form of an outline prepared by each of the department heads covering the range of proposed controls and its likely effectiveness, in response to the compliance gaps identified during Stage One. Examples of the types of controls typically needed, are supplied as a guideline.

The PoPI RAM can be completed in minimal time, allowing for identified changes to the operating policies, procedures and systems to be commenced with immediately.

Log in here…

Go to www.popi-ram.co.za to begin your online assessment….

Key functionalities

Key functionalities of the PoPI RAM are briefly as follows:

  • Each user is provided with a secure login name and password, and your business information remains secure, confidential and accessible by your people only.
  • Deadlines for completion of such assessments and the formulation of mitigating actions & controls by the enterprise’s heads of departments can be established by the executives at the outset, and regularly monitored until completion.

What PoPI Ram is not

The online module is not a risk and compliance system for the ongoing use of the enterprise.

Once the two Stages of the PoPI RAM have been completed, the ongoing management of compliance with the Act is the responsibility of management.  The controls and proposed actions can either be managed in-house, or updated to your existing enterprise risk management system, or we can recommend a risk & compliance management solution for implementation, if required.

We are also available to consult to management on the development and/or implementation of the identified actions identified under PoPI RAM.


The PoPI RAM is modestly priced as a software rental, as follows:

  • A once-off rental of R9,500 plus VAT which includes access for the first ten (10) users of an enterprise or division.
  • A once-off rental of R500 plus VAT in respect of each additional user, either selected at the time of first registration, or increased at a later stage.
  • Duration for access to the tool for the purposes of adding / amending data records on each of the two Stages, is set at 3 months from the date of first registration.
  • Access to the tool for the purpose of viewing or printing / reprinting the reports remain valid for a further period of 9 months thereafter.

Call us ….

Contact us should you need more information on PoPI RAM or any other services we can render, or to arrange for an in-depth discussion of your requirements.  Alternatively log in to www.popi-ram.co.za to begin your online assessment….

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