

procedures applying at our Market Place:

You need to have an account with us before you can place an order.

We will also need your contact and address details if we have to deliver any items you bought.

Remember to log out when you’re done.

Registering an account is done in four easy steps:

  1. Click on the “My Account” icon at the top of the page.  A page containing “Login” and “Register” details opens.  To register for the first time, enter your email address and a password in the Register section.  Only if the password is considered “Medium” or “Strong” will it be accepted.  Write it down.  Click on Register.
  2. The Dashboard page opens. The system shows that it created a username for you.  Write it down.
  3. Click on “edit your password and account details” and complete the fields.  Leave the Current and New password fields blank, unless you want to change your current password.  Click Save Changes.
  4. If you changed your password, you will receive an email indicating that it was changed.


  1. Click on “My Account” icon at the top of the page.
  2. Enter your username and password in the Login fields.
  3. Now click on “Marketplace” and peruse the store items to buy what you are interested in.
  4. If you have forgotten your password, or want to change it, click “Lost my password” and follow the steps above.
  5.  When done, remember to log out on the “My account” icon.

Get in Touch

Mon-Fri: 7am – 6pm  Sat: 8am – 2pm


Telephone: +27-83-261-4559

Fax: +27-86-630-4292

Mobile (Ben): +27-83-261-4559

Site last updated: 21 Nov 2022

Office Address

44 Ravens Hill Estate

30 Turley Rd




South Africa

Google Map

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