10143836We strongly recommend that our clients consider acquiring suitable and cost-effective risk management software to underpin their ERM disciplines.
A number of software solutions are available in the South African market and we have selected IsoMetrix as the best and most appropriate supplier to ensure that our clients receive a professional, value-for-money service and after-sales support.

The range of our value-added services offered a prospective client are as follows:

Skills delivery:
All our consultants have extensive systems implementation experience in the southern African markets.
We understand that business enterprises have specific and unique requirements in enterprise risk management which a systems solution must be able to meet. Understanding clients’ business processes and procedures is a prerequisite before recommending a solution that is right for your business.
We ensure that we thoroughly understand our client’s particular business, from the day-to-day processes and operations thru to the longer term goals. The recommended solution is always designed to address identified business needs, now and in the future.
Involvement in the implementation of a new ERM business management solution does not end with installation and implementation thereof. I maintain an ongoing relationship with every client and we are always available to assist.

Professional Services:
Our professional services include user requirements analysis, workflow analysis and business process reviews.

Project management:
Our project management services will ensure that project milestones and time-lines are met. It ensures that all parties remain focused.

User requirements analysis:
Business risk management solutions represent a significant investment for most companies. Understanding a client’s business model is our first priority. Based upon our extensive & deep knowledge of governance, risk and compliance issues we are ideally positioned to advise on the best approach and solution.

System Implementation:
We follow a highly structured implementation methodology to ensure that all aspects of the project are attended to; on time and within budget.
We will install and configure the software, perform necessary data conversion, coordinate integration with third-party software, train your staff, and provide ongoing support during and after completion of the project.

ERM workshops:
Our consultants will, if required, plan, co-ordinate and run management and staff workshops during the process of risk identification, assessment and upload.
We furthermore make use of a large panel of experts, each of whom can provide expert advice relating to his/her specialist field of experience during such workshops.

Our team of trainers all have “hands on” experience with risk management software solutions, ensuring a smooth transfer of knowledge. Our training methods cover individual specialist training, train-the-trainer sessions, group sessions and classroom type training sessions.  We provide on-site user training during systems implementation, as well as post-implementation training and re-training.

Ongoing support:
Our commitment is to create and maintain an environment that delivers sustained value and builds a long-term relationship with each of our clients. I understand that a client’s long term success requires that we are always available to assist, for many years to come.

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